Preserving our environment.

The landscape of Balwyn Private Estate been designed to maximize beauty and community enrichment, and the foliage has been carefully selected to minimise water use and maintain vital nutrients in the soil.

These decisions are an investment in our future, to preserve our environment for your children and grandchildren.

western Australia vineyards
native trees

Connecting with the future.

Quite apart from our environmental initiatives, we’ve been looking to the future for other exciting technologies.

Balwyn Private Estate is one of the first residential developments with fully NBN compliant “pits and pipes”, ready for integration with the national fibre optic network.


Engineering beauty.

We’ve invested a huge amount of time and effort into ensuring that every resident’s home is truly beautiful.

To this end we have a range of reasonable design covenants, which allow full expression of an owner’s individuality while maintaining a consistent level of quality across the entire neighbourhood to protect your investment.

Read about our design guidelines. 



Engineering initiatives

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